**Shubh International School Hosts Plantation Drive Free Distribution of Plants at Akhnoor’s Nirdosh Chowk**

*Akhnoor, April 22, 2024* – Shubh International School recently held a significant community event at Nirdosh Chowk in Akhnoor, promoting environmental awareness and green living. This engaging and impactful initiative saw the free distribution of plants to local residents, aimed at encouraging them to contribute to a greener and more sustainable community.

The event was marked by a vibrant street play (Nukkad Natak), performed by the students of Shubh International School, capturing the attention and imagination of the audience. The play carried an important message about environmental conservation, resonating with the gathered crowd. The performance was a lively mix of drama and education, demonstrating the school’s commitment to combining learning with community engagement.

Mrs. Shilpa Mahajan, Principal of Shubh International School, along with Vice Principal, Mrs. Bindu Sharma, addressed the audience, emphasizing the importance of planting trees and taking care of the environment. They encouraged people to take responsibility for their surroundings and to take small steps to make a big difference in combating climate change.

The event was graced by the presence of the chief guest, Mr. Taqeer Ahmed, SHO of Akhnoor, who commended the school’s initiative and urged residents to follow suit by planting trees in their homes and communities. He highlighted the positive impact such activities can have on the environment and encouraged everyone to participate in similar endeavors.

The event was further enlivened by a musical performance from the teachers of Shubh International School, adding a melodious touch to the proceedings. The performance was well received and added a sense of unity and celebration to the event.

The distribution of free plants among the local people was the highlight of the day, with many residents eagerly taking home their saplings to plant in their gardens, balconies, or communal areas. The initiative received enthusiastic support from the community, with people expressing their gratitude and excitement about the opportunity to contribute to a greener Akhnoor.

Media persons were also invited to cover the event, helping spread the word about this noble cause. The school’s leadership expressed their gratitude to the media for their support and coverage.

Shubh International School extends its thanks to all who participated and helped make the event a success. The school looks forward to organizing more such community-focused events in the future, with the goal of fostering environmental awareness and community involvement.

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